Monday, November 2, 2009

NFDA in Boston

The Reflections team spent a very special week in Boston at the NFDA International Convention. With three days of exhibit floor hours, we met many professionals whom had not heard about the tour yet and were very inspired by it. Looks like we will be coming to your area soon. This was the second time Reflections has been to the NFDA Convention but after more then a year on the road it was nice to see so many familiar faces. It was a treat to visit with most of our sponsors and past hosts. They all start to feel like family.

We had a chance to give a little thank you to our sponsors by placing miniature models of our truck in their booths.

NFDA has created a new media outlet, NFDA-TV, this will be a monthly broadcast featuring stories about up and coming people in the industry and programs like ours. Plus we did an interview for it. Not sure when it will be used but look for us in the upcoming webcast.

Again we want to add a special Thanks to NFDA for allowing us to share the exhibit with the highest attendance convention in their history.

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