Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oregon Funeral Directors Convention

Our next stop was the capitol city of Salem, for the Oregon Funeral Directors Convention.
We tucked the truck underneath the overhang at the Salem Conference Center. It was not too difficult to get into but we had to turn the wrong way up a one way street to pull it in. Abigail was in the chase car blocking traffic for me, while Frank Lorbach and Dana Lee held up traffic on the one way. The whole maneuver only took about 30 seconds, but there was plenty of honking from the morning commuters letting me know I was going the wrong way. Abigail was even introduced to the unofficial state bird by one disgruntled motorist. It was all worth the fuss though. The conference center is a fantastic venue right in the heart of the city. It is connected with the Phoenix Grand Hotel where we stayed for the duration of our event. It was an excellent hotel and had the best complimentary breakfast of any place we have yet been to.

Our events went really well. We had a private showing during the conference cocktail party and got a good response from our guests. I was assured it wasn't just the cocktails either. We really enjoyed getting to talk with the guests about Oregon.

We also had several days of being open to the public in some really nice weather. We had well over 200 visitors while we were in Salem.

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